
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

9 Months

Yesterday Lenora turned 9 Months old. It's amazing that she is almost 1 yr old. I get sad sometimes and miss my fragile little newborn. Lenora now is anything but fragile! She also thinks she can do everything by herself, we have to keep reminding her that she can't put 6 pieces of cereal in her mouth at 1 time, and that she can't feed herself with her spoon yet unless she wants an eye full of apples/blueberries. I have a feeling she'll be walking very very soon.

Today we took her to the Doctor's office for her 9 month well-check. She weighed 18 pounds, and was 29 1/4" long, 94 percentile for height & 35 percentile for weight. At her last appointment (6 month) she weighed 15.11 pounds and was 28" long.

I asked the doctor about Lenora's tantrums during Nap time, and she told me it was completely normal that Lenora was just strong willed and didn't want to be taken away from exploring. She was impressed that Lenora took 2 naps a day ranging from 1-2 hours and then slept all night from 8pm-6am. So even with the tantrums she is still doing wonderful. She also got the first part of her flu shot today. Usually Martin come's with us when we do shots so he can hold her down, but today I had to be brave and I succeeded, although it was horrible to see her go from happy to instantly screaming. But 30 seconds later she was dancing.

She is so smart, and I sometimes can't believe the stuff she does. Like the other day, I had forgotten to put a outlet cover back in after vacuuming and Lenora crawled over picked up the outlet cover and tried to put in back in the outlet. I have no idea how she made that connection. Oh, and Martin stopped her before she could stick anything in the outlet. But what a smarty pants. Not to brag or anything. She must get her smarts from Daddy.

Well here are some of her 9 Month photo's. She tried to eat the grass/leaves, I'm suprised I got any good ones with how hyper she was being. But we've had NO tantrums today. YAY!


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